[Tools & Resources]

3 Ways CIL is Making Housing Happen in a Tough Market

It’s no secret that the real estate market is tough right now. Anyone that has hopped over to Zillow in the last few years knows the feeling and the frustration that can come with looking into purchasing a property. Believe us when we say that the current market conditions are always on our mind, and that you aren’t alone in wishing the market would loosen up a bit. 

But with every challenge comes opportunity, and while these tough market conditions stick around, CIL has sought ways to embrace them.

Embrace them? You’re probably asking yourself why. At the end of the day, we view every challenge as an opportunity to enhance and redefine our approach, and these challenging market conditions allow us to lean into the creativity and innovative spirit that CIL was founded on.

Below, you’ll find three ways CIL is making housing happen in a tough market:

1. We have the right team in place

Even though CIL is small in size, we're big in expertise and experience. We have the right team in house to negotiate the best offers and the ability to provide more competitive financing terms to our clients. But we also know that we’re only as good as our partners. Good news! We have those, too – people that can help us decode trends in pricing and interest rates and craft offers that stand out in the tough market conditions we’re working with. And because CIL is a non-profit working with other non-profits, we can often offer rates that for-profit companies can’t match.

So, when market conditions stiffen up, we have the right team in place to navigate the challenges. Our goal is to make sure you never have to worry about what you don’t know, and we have the right people in place to walk you through any real estate development project.

2. Searching for the right site is a challenge we love to take on

When it comes to development, site search is often the hardest piece of the puzzle – even when market conditions are favorable.

In this market, we’ve had to get creative when it comes to site search. By tapping into our network and proactively engaging with town planners, construction managers, and others to explore potential development opportunities on both town-owned and privately-owned lots, our developers have found leads on sites for our clients.

3. Our creativity extends to our partnerships

When facing land scarcity, we have the right partners to open up possibilities.

For instance, we worked closely with another Developer and an Affordable Housing Trust to secure the best deal for our client. Purchasing land for as low as $1 from the Trust, our housing units helped contribute to the Developer’s affordable housing goals, turning a $2 million project into half the cost and benefiting the Town with more affordable and accessible housing. In the face of adverse conditions, we lean into what we do well: collaborating with others to create more options and opportunities.

For CIL, tough market conditions are just another challenge to navigate; another opportunity to turn a challenge into a triumph. Through our internal team and our external partners, we’re able to work all ends of the real estate development to reach our goals no matter the market conditions. Welcome to real estate development, CIL style.